Friday, July 20, 2007


It has been an interesting week. I went to a murder trial. Got my hear stomped on. Reconnected with a person. Read about the horrors people can inflict on one another. Finally understood the community of women.

It was crazy sitting in the same room as someone accused of hitting someone three times in the jaw with a monkey wrench and then stabbing him eight times in the chest, leaving the knife in after the final blow and running for it. It was almost surreal. These were real people, real events. Someone had lost their life because someone else had made a conscious decision to end it. It made me very aware of my middle class university educated bubble. There are just some things that I will never be able to understand.

I am tired of dwelling on matters of the heart so I won't anymore. I do however think that I am blessed to know some of the most amazing women this country will see. Greatness overshadows their lives, they will become the leaders of their fields and because of them the world will become a better place. Change starts with one. I know many people who are the catalysts of change. It makes me excited about the future of not only this country but of the world. I am in awe of the people I know.

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